Take taxi / hired car to Bangsal Harbor
The price should not higher than
Rp200.000/car. We took the Innova car
The journey will be around 2 hours
With hired car, u can request the driver to stop along the way.
We stopped for lunch and took a beautiful sunset photo with the 3 Gili islands as the background.
No extra charge for that.
When arrive in Bangsal Harbor, head directly to this building to proceed for public boat ticket purchasing. Bangsal-Giri Terawang ticket is Rp10000/way/person
The journey is around 30 minutes
The Bangsal Harbor Surrounding
The public boat operating hour 6am - 6pm
It is very cheap but you might need to wait till the boat full enough to cross the sea. We have waited for around 20 minutes till they have around 20 passengers filled up the boat
Situation inside the public boat
Tourist, natives and food stock for the island were transported together in this boat