Sunday, February 27, 2011

My homemade simple lunch and snowing in Hof

Finally after 5days in Germany I found Rice  ^^
Don't you laugh at me, I'm an Asian and I need rice hahahha...
It enough for pasta,cheese and bread  :)
So, yesterday I went to grocery store with my temporary house-mate and I found all my necessary cooking ingredient like onions, garlic, salt, chicken, sugar, and vegie. We had to went shopping yesterday because today which is Sunday, most of the store are close.

So,here is my stuff.

The packaging all are different from what we have in Asia.
And thanks God today I had rice for my lunch  :)
I also made my self a mix vegie with chicken, onion and garlic.
its taste quite oke hahahah...
Oh ya, today I woke up early and saw for the very 1st time snow falling from the sky.
It was snowing outside my window.
Took some pictures but the snow not really obvious captured on the picture.
But I think it quite oke  ^^


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